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How to Create a Space and Lifestyle for Better Sleep

by | May 21, 2020 | General, Sleeping Space

If you tend to toss and turn at night, your sleeping troubles could be due to stress, your health, or it may be the way your bedroom is currently structured. Whether you suffer from insomnia or experience occasional trouble getting a good night’s rest, there are some things you can do to enjoy a deeper, more restful sleep. One of the best things you can do for your health and well-being is to get adequate sleep each night. Read on to learn more about the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and how you can take proactive steps at home for a restful slumber.

The Importance and Benefits of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Lack of deep sleep can have a major negative impact on your health. When you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel sluggish and moody the next day. Some side effects of missing out on sleep include fatigue, an inability to focus, and overeating. Some studies have shown that lack of sleep can actually contribute to obesity since it increases your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that makes you feel hungry during the day. If you get enough hours of sleep each night, you’ll be more focused and alert. Lack of sleep can cause serious safety issues, such as car accidents or injuries at work. Sleep provides plenty of benefits that can improve your health, including:

1. Improved learning and better brain function

2. Steady mood (no mood swings)

3. More energy – both physical and mental

4. Healthy heart and lung function

5. A stronger immune system

If you’re currently struggling with insomnia or find that you wake up several times throughout the night and can’t fall back to sleep, you can take proactive steps to create a more restful, relaxing environment. Practicing stress management techniques and learning how to deal with anxiety can help to improve sleep. Turning off your smartphone before bedtime will also promote a healthier sleep pattern.

Make Your Bed and Bedroom Comfortable

One way to get a good night’s rest is to create a soothing, comfortable sleeping environment. The wall color and bedding colors in your bedroom can have a significant impact on your ability to achieve a restful night of sleep. Consider changing your bedroom colors to soft pastels and neutral tones rather than bright, vibrant colors. Soft blue, gray, and tan can calm the mind and encourage your brain to slow down and rest. Add a few plants like Lavender or Golden Pothos to your bedroom to help promote better sleep. Houseplants are easy to care for and they clean the air and contribute to a soothing environment. When you shop for bedding, choose lightweight cotton sheets that are soft but also not too heavy. Look for pillows and mattresses that support your personal sleep style so you’re not putting too much pressure on the back and neck. Side sleepers and back sleepers tend to do well with memory foam, while stomach sleepers should look for hybrid mattresses or those with an innerspring coil system.

Lighting Tips

A consistent cycle of sunlight and darkness helps the human body produce melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. If your bedroom is too bright, it can interfere with melatonin levels which will make getting a good night’s rest much more difficult. To combat this problem, use dimmer switches in the bedroom and turn the light levels lower at least two to three hours before bedtime. If you enjoy reading before you head off to dreamland, swap the bulbs in your table lamp from a bright to a low-wattage bulb. As the light in your bedroom dims, it naturally tells the body it’s time to get ready for rest. If the sunlight coming through your windows keeps you awake, use a set of blackout curtains. These heavy curtains can keep the sunlight from filtering in, so your bedroom stays nice and dark until you’re ready to wake.

Achieve the Ideal Temperature for Sleeping

Most people sleep better in cooler temperatures, so it’s important that you’re able to achieve the right temps in your bedroom. As you get ready to fall asleep, your body temperature starts to drop. When you keep your room cool at temperatures between 60 and 67 degrees, it helps cool your body down to encourage deeper sleep. If you have a warm bedroom, you can remedy the problem with a fan that you can aim to blow cool air on your body. Turn your home’s air conditioning system to a comfortable level that will keep you cool throughout the night. Avoid sleeping in heavy pajamas that can make you feel hot. Instead, switch to lightweight cotton or breathable linen for your bedtime outfits.

More Helpful Tips for Better Sleep

Struggling with insomnia and sleep difficulties can have a ripple effect on your health and your mental well-being. If you set up a comfortable bedroom that uses calming colors, cooler temperatures, and dim lights, this should help you fall asleep faster and for longer. However, there are plenty of other things you can do to experience a good night of rest at home. Here are some other things that may encourage solid sleep that lasts throughout the night:

Reduce noise in the bedroom

Loud noises can make slumber seem impossible. Create a consistent, soothing backdrop for your bedroom by using a fan or an app that produces white noise to help you drown out outside noise.

Stick to a bedtime routine

Do your best to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day and night. Try to associate your bedroom with sleeping only, and don’t use it to work or watch television since these activities can make it more difficult to calm the mind.

Avoid blue light from screens 

Computers and smartphones produce “blue light,” which can interfere with sleep. Turn off your electronic devices at least a few hours before bedtime to help your body and mind understand that it’s time to prepare for sleep.

Practice relaxation techniques

Whether it’s a good book or a quick yoga session, try to relax your body and mind before bedtime. Meditation can clear your mind of the stress from the day, and it will also help you prepare for the day ahead.

Know what to avoid

Stop drinking caffeine in the late afternoon, since this stimulant can make sleeping extremely difficult. You should also avoid nicotine and eating late-night meals, both of which are known to disrupt sleep or make it more difficult. If you can, avoid taking naps and instead, just go to bed according to your current routine. Naps can cause you to wake in the middle of the night or make it more difficult to fall asleep at bedtime.

From a cooler bedroom to noise reduction, there are plenty of things you can do to help ensure you’re getting the sleep you need. With a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel stronger, more positive, and ready to face the day. Try these tips to see which ones may help you get back into a healthy sleep cycle.

If you or someone you care about is having sleep-related issues, call Gingras Sleep Medicine today at 704-944-0562 to learn more about how sleep disorders can affect your health and how the field of sleep medicine is like a dream come true for people seeking a lifetime of good sleep. Call today or request an appointment online.

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