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What Does Sleep Disorder Treatment Look Like?

by | Jun 14, 2021 | Adult Sleep, Sleep Disorder

Sleep disorders come in many different shapes and sizes and can affect just about anyone. This means that sleep disorder treatment looks different for each individual case. At Gingras Sleep Medicine, Dr. Gingras will thoroughly examine and diagnose your sleep disorder to formulate the best sleep disorder treatment for you so that you can regain restful and restorative sleep.

Sleep Disorder Treatment Starts with a Consultation

Sleep disorder treatment at Gingras Sleep Medicine will consist of a 30 to 60-minute consultation with Dr. Gingras. Prior to this consultation, you will be asked to complete a thorough questionnaire regarding your sleep habits. This questionnaire will help identify sleep disorders and will provide background into your health and family history.

During the consultation, Dr. Gingras will review your questionnaire with you, ask you further questions to gain a complete understanding of your health, your sleep hygiene, and your daily habits. She will then perform a physical exam, discuss with you possible diagnoses, and develop a possible sleep disorder treatment plan to combat your sleep disorder.

Diagnosing the Correct Sleep Disorder For Treatment

In some cases, additional resources may need to be utilized in order to diagnose your sleep disorder. An overnight study may be necessary to gain additional insight and provide an accurate diagnosis.

In other cases, Dr. Gingras may suggest that you keep a sleep diary. Over the course of two weeks, you will record any notable experiences in your diary, such as inability to fall asleep, waking up during the night, or excessive daytime sleepiness.

Through these methods, Dr. Gingras will be able to gain further insight into your sleep difficulties so that she can formulate the best possible sleep disorder treatment plan so that you can regain a restful night’s sleep.

Types of Sleep Disorders

According to the Sleep Foundation, there are more than a hundred different types of sleep disorders. However, most sleep disorders have a few similar characteristics, including:

  • Difficulty falling and staying asleep
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Circadian rhythm imbalances
  • Unusual sleep behaviors such as interruptions in your breathing.

The CDC states that the four most common sleep disorders are sleep apnea, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy. 

Sleep apnea is characterized by irregular breathing while asleep. Insomnia occurs when a person has difficulty falling and staying asleep. Restless legs syndrome refers to a disorder in which a person feels an incessant need to move their legs. These episodes often happen at night, causing the person to have difficulty sleeping. Narcolepsy is when a person suffers from excessive daytime sleepiness and has episodes of falling asleep uncontrollably, in combination with muscle weakness.

Types of Sleep Disorder Treatments

Just as there are a myriad of sleep disorders, there are also quite a few treatments that can be used to combat sleep disorders. Some of these treatments include:

  • Lifestyle changes such as weight loss and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and sedatives
  • CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)
  • Medication
  • Cognitive or behavioral therapy
  • Improved sleep hygiene

Dr. Gingras will suggest the best form of therapy for you based on the type of sleep disorder you are suffering from, as well as other factors such as your age, gender, and overall health. She will discuss her suggested form of treatment with you thoroughly so that you can have peace of mind that you will regain a restful night’s sleep.

Consult with Gingras Sleep Medicine for Your Sleep Disorder Treatment

Dr. Gingras of Gingras Sleep Medicine is a well-known sleep medicine doctor and is a leader in sleep research. She focuses exclusively on sleep medicine and has become a nationally acknowledged double board-certified doctor specializing in sleep medicine. Dr. Gingras provides cutting-edge sleep disorder treatments for a wide range of sleep disorders. 

If you are suffering from a sleep disorder, schedule your consultation with Dr. Gingras by visiting our website or calling the office at (704) 944-0562.