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Snoring Kids: When It’s a Problem and Forms of Treatment

by | Sep 28, 2021 | Kids Sleep

Have you noticed your child snoring at night? As a parent, you might be wondering if it’s a cause for concern or if it’s a benign issue. If you notice your child snoring for a few weeks after having a bad cold, don’t worry – this is completely normal. When the problem becomes more chronic and is occurring multiple nights per week, that’s when you need to take a step back and see a pediatric sleep specialist. Often, snoring kids have an underlying health issue such as swollen tonsils that is causing the issue. 

A sleep specialist who specializes in pediatrics, like Dr. Gingras, can perform a sleep study and recommend a path for treatment that is uniquely designed for a child. If your child has a chronic snoring problem, learn more about potential root causes and schedule an appointment to talk with a sleep specialist. 

Snoring Kids: When is it a Problem?

Occasional bouts of snoring happen to everyone, adults and kids alike. Typically this is brought on by something like congestion or allergies. The snoring is typically short-lived and not a major cause for concern. According to the Sleep Foundation, “Infrequent snoring in children is not usually dangerous, but regular or severe snoring that is indicative of sleep-disordered breathing can have significant health consequences.” This regular or severe snoring can be a sign your child is suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, which is dangerous to their overall health. 

In addition to sleep apnea, snoring can be caused by other health issues. These issues include obesity, swollen tonsils or adenoids, asthma, a deviated septum, or poor air quality. A visit with a pediatric sleep specialist and your child’s pediatrician can determine if an underlying health issue is causing the snoring.

Snoring becomes a problem when your child is snoring most nights out of the week. After your child falls asleep, listen to analyze the snoring. Note how loud it is and if you hear them gasping for air. Also, look at how they are sleeping. Often children who snore will sleep with their mouths open. 

In addition to the physical act of snoring, you might notice other clues that indicate your child has a potential sleep disorder. Daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, ADHD, and bedwetting are just a few issues that can occur due to sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea.

The Dangers of Snoring 

The Sleep Foundation notes that chronic snoring caused by obstructive sleep apnea can negatively affect your child’s health. Here are some potential issues that can occur throughout the body:

  • Behavioral issues
  • Cognitive impairment
  • ADHD
  • Negative effects on the nervous system
  • Poor cardiovascular health
  • Poor concentration 
  • High blood pressure

As you can see, some of these health issues are very serious. Addressing chronic snoring as soon as possible is crucial to prevent your child from experiencing any of these health issues.

Aside from this, snoring and sleep apnea can cause sleep depravation, but fragmenting sleep, so that the children are asleep but not getting good quality sleep.

Finding the Problem

Addressing sleep issues is a team approach between a pediatric sleep specialist and your child’s other doctors. At Gingras Sleep Medicine, we specialize in working with both kids and adults. After an initial consultation, we could conduct a sleep study on your child to further analyze the snoring issues and see what exactly is going on. 

If necessary, once the sleep study is complete, we will provide a diagnosis and potentially recommend that your child go see additional doctors (ex: a surgeon to remove tonsils).

Treatment for Snoring Kids

Treatment always depends on the diagnosis and if there are other underlying health problems that need to be addressed. At Gingras Sleep Medicine, here are some of the most common sleep disorder treatments that can help with snoring issues:

  • Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy
  • CPAP (continuous airway pressure)
  • Home Apnea Monitoring (HAM)
  • Medication 
  • Weight loss if obesity is an issue 

The main point we want to drive home is that you have options! A snoring kid can be scary due to the unknown. At Gingras, we aim to put parents’ minds at ease through a sleep study and creating a treatment plan that is unique to your child. Also, know that you aren’t alone! According to Texas Children’s Hospital, “Approximately 10% of children snore regularly, 25-40% of children have SDB, and about 2-4% of children experience obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).” 

Many children struggle with chronic snoring. The key is to address the problem as soon as possible. This way it won’t cause other scary issues like cognitive impairment or cardiovascular problems.

A parent’s job is to worry about their kids day in and day out. What if you could cross one thing off your worry list? If your kid has a chronic snoring issue, take time today to schedule an appointment with Gingras Sleep Medicine, a pediatric sleep specialist. It’s rare to find a sleep specialist who specializes in children, but it’s so critical because they understand the unique aspects of diagnosing and treating a child with sleep issues. 

Between an initial consultation and a sleep study, you and your child will have answers in no time. We will work with you to find a treatment plan that works for your child and will team up with other medical professionals when necessary. 

If your child is snoring multiple nights per week or gasping for air while sleeping, it’s time to schedule an appointment and get to the bottom of their snoring issues. Contact Gingras Sleep Medicine to schedule an appointment with a pediatric sleep specialist who specializes in snoring kids. We look forward to meeting you and your child and helping to find a diagnosis and treatment plan for your child.