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5 Ways A Sleep Disorder Doctor Can Help You Achieve A More Restful Sleep

by | Aug 15, 2022 | Sleep Disorder

If you are like millions of other Americans who struggle with feeling energized after a full night’s sleep, you might want to consider seeing a sleep disorder doctor. Continuing to feel drowsy throughout the day may point to any number of sleep disorders that can be successfully treated by a qualified sleep disorder specialist. 

Sleep medicine doctors can help diagnose and treat a mirriad of disruptive sleep disorders, some extremely detrimental to your overall health and well-beaing, with several different treatment options. Still, one of the most common question we receive is, “How can a sleep disorder doctor help me?”

There are the 5 most common treatments that a sleep specialist might prescribe to a patient suffering from a sleep disorder. 


Medications/ Medical Devices

By the time most people take the step to see a sleep specialist, their sleep patterns have already been severely disrupted, to the point that certain medications are often necessary. In some cases, medication is always teh most effective treatment. Sleep disorders like narcolepsy, for example, can be quite dangerous for both the patient and those around them if left untreated. 

Furthermore, many sleep disorders are caused by things like hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficits, and other minor health issues. Many of these causes can only be successfully treated by medication or supplements. 

Medical devices, like Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines are also an extremely common treatment tool for sleep disorder specialists because of how common conditions like sleep apnea are. In less extreme cases of sleep apnea, a small mouth guard may be used to help keep airways open, or positional therapy may be recommended for patients uncomfortable or unable to sleep with a CPAP machine. 


Weight Loss

In many cases, sleep disorders are caused by obesity. In disorders like sleep apnea, excess fat in the neck and chin areas could be blocking airways when a person sleeps. Obesity can also cause high blood pressure and poor blood circulation, which is often connected with restless leg syndrome. 

In some cases, a sleep disorder doctor might recommend a strict workout and diet regimen to their patient, to alleviate some of the pressure on their body. Even just a small amount of weight loss has been reported to help patients achieve a more restful night’s sleep.

Even without considering the medical risks associated with sleep disorders, weight gain may still be causing poor sleep patterns which can negatively impact your overall energy and wellness. In cases of slight weight gain negatively impacting sleep quality, a sleep disorder doctor may recommend some small lifestyle changes that could help regulate a patient’s weight and improve quality of life. 

In cases where a patient would need to lose an extreme amount of weight to overcome their sleep disorder, the doctor might recommend the patient sees a weight management specialist who will be able to present them with all of their options in regards to weight loss. 


Reduce Light and Noise Exposure

Many patients do not even realize how much damage their surroundings are doing to their regular sleep patterns. Sleeping with the television, light, or lamp on in the room is not only distracting but can also cause fitful sleep. 

Another negative habit that your sleep specialist might suggest you kick is using your phone to go to sleep. Studies show that scrolling on social media or entertainment apps before bed can actually engage your brain and make it even more difficult to fall asleep. Research also shows that the blue light emitted by your cell phone negatively impacts the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle, which can trigger insomniatic episodes. If you are already struggling with erratic sleep patterns, things like online shopping, reading, or socializing is not the solution.

As a general rule, you will receive the best, most restful sleep in a room with none of these distractions, and as little light and sound as possible. The best way to achieve a restful sleep is to keep your surroundings as calm and peaceful as you can. 


Manage the Temperature

Another common recommendation that sleep specialists have is to check the thermostat before you go to bed. This is an environmental factor that commonly impacts sleep patterns and many patients do not even consider a problem. Extreme temperatures in either direction make staying asleep and reaching a deep sleep cycle difficult. 

Because most climates experience lower temperatures at night, it is best to set your air conditioner to do the same. If you feel comfortable at a certain temperature during the day, bump the thermostat down 2-5 degrees at night to ensure you are not getting too hot in your sleep. 

In the same vein, setting the temperature to a colder setting can also keep you tossing and turning all night. Patients suffering from insomnia are especially sensitive to extreme temperatures while they sleep, so keeping an eye on the temperature might be even more crucial if you think you might be suffering from insomnia. 

Though personal preference and comfort levels vary, experts agree that the best temperature to sleep at, regardless of the season, is around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. A temperature fluctuation of a few degrees in either direction does not typically cause problems, but more than 5 degrees in either direction could cause issues with your sleep cycle. 



In some cases, disrupted sleep patterns are a side effect of mental health issues. In these cases, when the sleep disorder is not the most major underlying condition, your sleep disorder specialist may refer you to a psychiatrist to help you address whatever mental health disorder you might be suffering from. 

It is very common for patients who suffer from insomnia to also struggle with depression or manic episodes. Other conditions like parasomnias and various disruptive sleep behaviors (such as sleep walking, sleep talking, and excessive movement) can be caused by untreated ADHD, ADD, or OCD. 

While all of these conditions may be treated by a psychiatrist, your sleep disorder doctor will likely request a follow-up appointment to check on your progress. Even after you have begun your other treatment, you may still find that you are having difficulty sleeping. If these issues persist, another appointment can help your sleep disorder doctor determine the best course of action. 


Gingras Sleep Medicine

Gingras Sleep Medicine, located in Charlotte and Concord, North Carolina, is a sleep medicine clinic specializing in sleep disorders and related conditions for patients of all ages. Founder and Medical Director, Dr. Jeannine Gingras is a triple board-certified sleep medicine specialist who has been studying and treating sleep disorders for decades! She gets to know each patient individually, ensuring she has a clear picture of their issues and concerns, carefully determines the causes, and creates a personalized treatment plan to get them the relief they need.

Call (704) 944-0562 or make an appointment today to start your journey towards healthy sleep!