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7 Things You Need to Know About Sleep Issues & Insomnia Treatment

by | Oct 26, 2021 | Insomnia, Sleep Disorder

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes people to have trouble falling or staying asleep. Sufferers of insomnia find themselves lying in bed for hours. They’re either trying to fall asleep or trying to fall back asleep. The condition is common all over the world. Some studies indicate that insomnia is prevalent amongst 10-30% of the population, while others show numbers as high as 50-60%. 

Insomnia can occur in all age groups, even children. It is more frequently seen in older adults. Adults with comorbidities like obesity or sleep apnea are more likely to suffer from insomnia. Insomnia should be taken very seriously. It can cause various dangerous physical symptoms and diseases linked to a higher risk of early death. 

Fortunately, there are insomnia treatment options. If you experience insomnia symptoms for more than a month, it’s time to see a sleep doctor. Schedule an appointment today. In the meantime, take a minute to learn more about insomnia. 

Insomnia is More Common in Older Adults

Insomnia can occur at any age, but it is more common in older adults. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are several reasons the chances of insomnia increase with age. First, sleep becomes less restful as you get older. Your internal clock also changes, causing you to get sleepier earlier and then wake up earlier. Mayo Clinic also mentions that changes in health and medications adults take may cause insomnia. 

Comorbidities are Common with Insomnia 

Often, sleep insomnia occurs with other diseases. For example, many people who suffer from sleep apnea also have insomnia. Other conditions, like restless leg syndrome, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, can lead to insomnia. If you are suffering from insomnia, it’s essential to see both your primary care doctor and a sleep doctor. The primary care doctor will help check and diagnose other ailments. They may recommend seeing a specialist. The sleep doctor will be in charge of your insomnia treatment. 

Insomnia Causes a Variety of Physical Symptoms in the Body 

Insomnia causes a variety of physical symptoms beyond feeling tired all the time. People who suffer from insomnia experience higher rates of mental health issues like anxiety and depression. You also might find your reaction times are a lot slower. This can be dangerous when driving or performing certain jobs. 

Insomnia also increases the risk of long-term diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease. One study shows that insomnia can even increase the risk of dementia later in life. That’s why it is important to treat chronic insomnia as early as possible so that other health issues don’t arise. 

Insomnia is Linked to Early Death

A recent study shows just how dangerous insomnia can be. The results of the study state that people who have trouble falling asleep at night have a 44% increased risk of early death. Those who wake up during the night and can’t fall back asleep have a 56% increased risk of premature death. These numbers are staggering.  As a result, the CDC has noted that sleep disorders are a public health problem, just like diseases such as diabetes or dementia. 

Psychological Issues Might be at Play 

Insomnia negatively affects your physical body. It also impacts mental health. Those who have insomnia are not getting their recommended 7-8 hours of sleep per night. As a result, issues like anxiety and depression are much more common. Mental health is a double-edged sword when it comes to insomnia. Mental health disorders can cause insomnia, and insomnia can also cause mental health disorders. As the saying goes, what comes first – the chicken or the egg? 

Working with a team of doctors, including a sleep specialist, a psychologist, and your general practitioner can help determine the root cause and the best plan to treat both insomnia and the mental health disorder.

Insomnia Treatment is Possible! 

Take a deep breath and relax. We have good news. Insomnia is treatable! You don’t have to suffer from bad sleep until the day you die! Take the first step and make an appointment with a sleep specialist. At Gingras Sleep Medicine, we take the time to learn all about you and your symptoms at your first appointment. If deemed necessary, Dr. Gingras will also order a sleep study. We’ll observe you and measure vitals while you sleep. Finally, we’ll review results and recommend treatment. 

Find the Root Cause! 

Once a diagnosis is made, your sleep specialist and your doctors will work to find a root cause. Often another disorder, such as sleep apnea, swollen tonsils, or severe anxiety, may be causing the sleep issues. In that case, plan to treat the underlying condition to improve sleep. Sleep specialists also often recommend lifestyle changes. This can include losing weight, exercising, and practicing good sleep hygiene. In some cases, your sleep specialist may put you on medication to help you sleep. 

Have no fear – the end of insomnia is near! Don’t suffer another sleepless night. Insomnia treatment is possible. If you are in the Charlotte or Concord area, give Gingras Sleep Medicine a call to set up an appointment. Our experienced sleep specialists have helped many people like you to get more restful sleep and eliminate insomnia. For more information about our practice and what we do, contact us today to set up an appointment.